While it is true that break-ups form a part of life, it is also a fact that in some cases they can end up ruining your life beyond imagination. Since break ups cause severe emotional stress, they often effect a person's health too and right from serious physical ailments to psychological issues, these break-ups form the foundation for it all.
Physical Ailments that find their root in Emotional Stress
• Digestive Disorders - Problems like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), stomach ulcers and several other digestive disorders are triggered off by stress. When a person is stressed, the blood supply to the stomach region is highly hampered and this leads to lack of proper oxygen causing these problems.
• Head and Back Aches - Migraines, common headaches, back aches are all signs of stress. A tense posture that usually accompanies stress, leads to some severe and yet unexplained backaches. The same holds true for migraines.
• Lowered Immune quotient - A break-up obviously causes stress and this stress results in the body giving out Cortisol, which in turn slows down the functions of the immune system and makes you susceptible to many infections. This is one of the main reasons why people who have problems like HIV, Diabetes and even Tuberculosis are told to keep themselves free of mental stress. Right from a common case of strep throat to a serious attack of influenza, everything could be coming on due to your break-up.
• Heart Problems- The relationship between heart issues and stress is clear to many of us. The two seem to be directly proportionate and the heart ache that your break up causes can actually end up giving you a heart ache literally. Heart attacks, high blood pressure and even high cholesterol are often the result of a broken relationship.
The clock does not stop here and apart from physical issues one could suffer from intense emotional damage too.
Emotional Ailments that find their root in Emotional Stress
• Depression- This clinical problem is known to affect those who suffer from high levels of stress. The emotional trauma that is caused by a break-up is said to often result in a constant depression mode.
• Psychological issues- Right from Post Trauma Stress Disorder to Mood Disorder, Hypomania and even insomnia, everything is due to increased levels of stress. While this stress can be triggered by several catalysts, it is a fact that a break-up seems to cause tremendous amounts of it.
It will help to remember that stress can be caused by several other reasons like overload of work, etc. But while you can control these factors by slowing down your pace of life, a break-up tends to give rise to a situation that is out of control.
What is one to do when a loving relationship that formed the center of your life is put to a sudden end by the other person?
Is the finality of such a situation similar to death?
Not necessarily.
You can get your ex back and that too without groveling or loosing your self respect. 'The Guide to Getting Your Ex Back' will help you to take control of the situation and change your life in a proactive fashion. So get ready to sit in the driver's seat and drive your life to a happier and healthier destination.
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