Understanding women can seem impossible at times. The saying that "women are from Venus and men are from Mars" seems very true at times and when it comes to attraction it can be a very puzzling game that few guys ever master. One of the biggest challenges that men face is the fear of rejection. We don't want to put ourselves out there only to be rejected and left feeling like crap. Wouldn't it be nice to really know if a girl is interested in you romantically before you put yourself out there?
Well, there definitely are ways of telling if a girl is interested. Its often easier for other people to see it than it is for ourselves to see it. Why? Well, when you become emotionally involved your judgment tends to be clouded. Other people can see the attraction but you remain in doubt and uncertain whether you should approach her.
the easiest way to tell if she's interested is with "the look". If a girl finds you interesting or attractive she can't help but stare at you. Women are a lot more subtle than men, but she will steal glances at you whenever she gets an opportunity. If you catch her looking at you more than 3 times then its game on. Make sure she's actually looking at you and try and establish eye contact - even if its just for a brief second.
If things have advanced to the point where you are already talking, then it gets much easier. The easiest way to tell is to look at her eye. When a women is attracted to you she gives away a lot of signals. Dilated pupils is a tell tale sign and some common signals is that she will touch her chest, flick her hair, take her hair out of her face, push her chest out, lean in towards you and generally she will try and present herself to you in a very subtle and instinctive way.
The best way to tell if she likes you is to go with your gut. Its important that you advance very slowly at first. Women like to play the game and this is all part of it. Play along. Have fun and don't get all serious on her. Try and make gentle gestures like touching her and see how she reacts. If its positive, then you are on. Its a green light and you can go and sweep her off her feet.
This article is published with the permission of the author, Deon Du Plessis. He is the founder of The Self Improvement Gym, and author (in)action, a groundbreaking new action guide on eliminating procrastination. For more of his in-depth insights into personal development and access to his free self improvement library visit www.TheSelfImprovement-Gym.com
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