Statistics say that for every 100 single women there are about 160 single men. So how do you distinguish yourself from the pack so that you're more likely to grab one of the single women? Focus on your introduction. And I don't mean your pick-up line. A pick up line is fine if you want to be a player. But if you're truly looking for a nice girl for companionship, you won't get it by asking her if her legs are tired...
The first thing you want to do is build a positive vibe. Think about this. When a comedian first appears on stage, he has to come out with something funny or with something that grabs the audience attention right away. If not it will be very difficult for him to get the audience attention back for the rest of his routine. And if he doesn't manage to grab their attention and hold it, then the only thing that will be memorable about him is how bad he was.
So borrowing again from the comedian example, you should approach a women with a an entertaining conversation within the first minute. Women love something unique and offbeat. But stay away from creepy topics liked crime, death, and murder. Talk about something we can all talk about, like some bit of crazy celebrity news. Even though everyone can talk about the great political news issue of the day, it's best to stay clear of politics.
Another interesting "icebreaker" is to ask a woman's opinion on a topic. As she answers, listen to her opinion and do not be afraid to offer your own, different opinion. Women love to be challenged, but in appropriate ways. Don't be afraid to challenge a woman on an opinion. You're not looking for an argument, but perhaps you have a different take on the subject. That's where that interesting conversation gets dialed up a notch. A part of a woman's psyche can't wait to be put to the test. And don't be surprised if she challenges you right back. That's what building rapport is all about. You will not get her by kissing her butt.
And if she doesn't like your opinion, do not apologize for it! To begin with, you're entitled to your own opinion and when you agree with a woman just to be agreeable, you come off wimpy. Sticking by your guns demonstrates a sense of confidence and that you are in control of yourself. This conveys strength and calmness which is very attractive to a woman.
Once you've started a conversation, if a woman finds herself attracted to you'll know by "the test." A woman will often test you in the beginning. She might tease you because she wants to see if you can handle it. A good way to deal with this is to tease her right back in a playful manner.
And the most important part of opening a conversation with a woman is to be confident. If you're nervous, fake your way through it until the nerves go away.
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