What happens to you when you see a woman that catches your eye?
Are you the kind of guy that takes the initiative and walks right on over to her, or do you shy away from approaching her and stay stuck, just looking at her?
Most guys end up being the second kind of guy, especially when the woman that catches their eye is strikingly beautiful. To get over this hump, there are a number of tricks, tips, and techniques that you can use, but really some of them are not going to do the trick.
You have to be able to approach a woman and make an impression on her that lasts. And of course, it has to be a GOOD impression. A woman will definitely remember a guy that chokes up when he approaches her, but that is not going to be a good memory that you want her to have.
Here are 3 tips on approaching a woman and walking away with her phone number, a date, and maybe a little something extra:
1. Make a little small talk with her first.
This is especially true when you are out on the street or any place that she does not expect to have a guy walk up to her. If the first thing that comes out of your mouth is to ask her for her number, then she is going to immediately tell you NO. Well, there might be an occasion here and there where she just gives it to you, but that is really unlikely. Start off with the small talk and THEN work your way up the ladder.
2. Make a funny observation about something that is going on around you.
This can be easy when you are out on a busy street and you approach a woman. Whatever the situation is, you can usually find at least one thing that you can point out and make a humorous observation about it. The reason is simple. You want to get her to laugh and think of you as being a guy that can put a smile on her face. The minute you do this, you no longer are just a guy, you are the guy that she knows can make her smile and laugh.
3. Approach her with confidence.
If you don't want to get shot down so quickly by a woman, then she needs to see some bullet proof confidence pouring out of you. Call it like cat nip to a woman, but when she sees that you have no problems whatsoever taking the chance to walk up on her and start a conversation, she is naturally going to have a good impression of you. And when you make her laugh, and have the right opener, then you are going to be able to steer the conversation any way that you want, including getting her phone number, a date, or something more.
Discover more tips and techniques on * how to approach women with confidence * and BE the kind of guy that can walk away with her phone number, a date, or MORE...
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