Many women think that men are supposed to be the confident ones when it comes to relationships and asking girls out on dates. When they see a guy that gets very nervous around women they don't really understand why. These reasons will help you to understand a man and why he might get nervous around a girl that he likes.
He's fearful that he will not be able to impress the girl
For many men, when they are attracted to a woman they want to show off all their best traits and his good side. He may become nervous around her because he may feel like he is not good enough for her.
He has reservations about if she will really like him
There are a lot of things that a guy needs to find out about a girl when he is first getting to know her. He may be unsure of what things she likes to do or what she is interested in. A man may become nervous when he does not know too much about the girl the likes so it is best to start up a conversation with him and get to know each other better.
He is afraid to make mistakes
A guy may be nervous about approaching a girl that he likes because of friends that may have recently gotten a divorce or their relationships have not worked out. He could be nervous that he would make some kind of mistake that would cause this for him and the girl.
He thinks that he might act the wrong way in front of her
Most times a guy will be most nervous about how a girl might react when he finally gets up the guts to come up to her. He may be afraid that she will say something that will embarrass him in front of the people that are around. He could also be nervous that he won't know what to say once he does walk up to the girl.
He becomes too aware
When a guy starts thinking too much about what he will say to the girl he likes he may become nervous. When this happens he will start to think of too many things like what his next step will be once he does talk to her and this will only make him more nervous. If he plans it out too much and his words come out like they are scripted his move just won't work out.
He does not know the girl he likes
Very often a guy will set his eyes on a girl that he would like to get to know better, but he does not even know her at all. He may be nervous about approaching her because of the fear that she will not accept him or talk with him.
He does not know how to act in front of a girl
Sometimes a guy does not know how to act around the girl that he likes because he is not sure of his exact feelings for her. It is always possible however that he has never actually approached a girl that he likes before and has no idea of what he should do.
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