Have you taken a good look at your relationship(s) lately? Where are you at... in a good place, feeling a bit stuck, or maybe things are not so great.
I had the opportunity to work with a good friend to assist her in debuting her first big seminar ever. It was two and a half days long and was entitled "The Awakened Lover". There were couples and singles. The focus was on enhancing or creating a primary relationship. For some it was a new relationship, for some it was 40 years young and for others it was time to get attracting that special someone. For all, it was about doing relationships from a place of higher consciousness.
We did many exercises and activities to get people in tune with their own desires in a relationship, as well as hear (sometimes for the first time) what their partner's needs were. The whole journey was about taking your relationship and thinking to a whole new level.
What happens sometimes in relationships? You might lose touch with what you want. Or you lose touch with your partner and get into a mundane routine, suddenly finding yourself reactive rather than proactive.
Take your control back! Take a look at your relationship again (primary or any relationship in your life). Where are you at? Where do you want to be? And, if these two are different, what is just one step that can get you closer to where you want to be? Too many times we don't stop long enough to even know what we want... and then we wonder why we aren't getting it.
If your relationship is in dyer need of a tune up or spring cleaning, dust it off and decide what you want. If you have a fabulous relationship already, do something to make it even better and to create even more of what you want. Find ways to have fun, bring in passion, create excitement and make it juicy. Your mind, body and spirit will thank you for it!
"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." ~ Rumi
Have you checked in recently with your primary relationship? Where are you at as a couple? Are you happy, miserable, content, stressed, ecstatic, mundane, connected, stuck? Where are you? And, would your partner agree with your assessment?
If you are single, where are you at? Do you want a relationship? It is ok if you don't... as long as you truly don't. If you do want one, what are you doing to create it? The definition of insanity is, "doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result". If you don't want a primary relationship, how do you make your current relationships with friends and family even better?
Decide what you want more of in your relationships and then take a step (and another) in that direction. It only gets better when YOU make it better.
And now I invite you to learn more about Create Your Life by visiting http://www.onpurposetraining.ca
Gina Sebastian is the Create Your Life Expert. She does training and coaching to Create Your Life! instead of just letting life happen to you. Gina, through her company On-Purpose Training, specializes in helping business women in overwhelm create their dream life.
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