Observations and investigations have revealed that a lot of women who are suppose to be in their husbands house are still swimming in the ocean of singleness. No sane mother/father will ever wish that their daughters should be single at a very ripe age of forty. But truth be told, there are thousands of women who did not get married before they eventually died at a very ripe age. Not that they don't want to get married but they could not be married for obvious reasons. Sadly, most of them did not understand the reasons for their singleness. Some believe that the inability of most men to get married on time is responsible for this trend. But this is not and can never be true. Granted, the population census of some countries suggested that the population of men is slightly lower than that of the women, I don't believe that this can totally account for the huge number of single ladies recorded worldwide. There is also this common belief that men often look the direction of beautiful women when it comes to marriage. Though there is an element of truth in this claim, I want to say that every woman is beautiful. A woman beauty depend on her personal assessment. Let me ask this, if it is true that men always go for beautiful women, how come some ugly women are married and their beautiful counterparts are still single?. After a thorough study and investigations of some 'ripe singles', I can authoritatively state the followings as the main reasons why some women remain single even for life. (1) NO SMILE SYNDROME: Besides the physical appearance of a person, one of those things that attract a man to a woman is the look on her face. Some girls find it very hard to smile. To them' smiling is a million dollars worth task, that is why they find it hard to smile. If not what does it cost any body to put a smile on her face? It is free you know!. Not smiling is very bad as it gives a wrong impressions of your person. No matter how beautiful a girl will look, if she has no smile on her face she is most likely to repel men from her path. (2) UNFRIENDLINESS: People who are not friendly, hardly make friends and the only way to get hooked up is to make good friends. Because some girls are hostile, unwelcoming and repelling, they find it difficult to find a life partner. (3) SNUBBISHNESS: Most women are fond of snubbing men any time they are approached. For God sake why will you snub somebody who have interest in you?. Alright, it is true that you can not like everybody and there is no law that says you must relate with everybody. The truth is that there are millions of friendly ways of showing somebody that you really don't have the interest. Learn to attend to every man politely irrespective of how he looks. (4) SELLECTION: While it is not wrong to choose a man you want to marry, it is very wrong to turn down all the men that proposed to marry you for some over ambitious motives. No man is one 100 % perfect and that is why you will never get your Mr. Perfect. For this reason you have to wait for more centuries before your Mr. Perfect may arrived. Tragically, you will no longer be alive at that time. That is if there is anyone like Mr. Perfect in the whole universe. (5) MATERIAL EXPECTATIONS: All most ladies want is 'already made'. They want to enter where it is already happening. They want to get married to men with luxury cars and expensive mansions. Why I am equally not against any woman getting married to a wealthy man, I want to let you know that very few men are rich. Now, if all women want to marry wealthy men and it is very obvious that rich men are rare, majority of the women have to wait for a very long time. They may even end up not getting married in the process of waiting for Mr. rich. (6) LACK OF RESPECT: Most girls are very disrespectful; they talk when they are not to talk and say what they shouldn't say. They equally do the wrong thing almost all the time. This is an attitude that real men detest with passion. (7) DIRTINESS: Even the bible acknowledged that cleanliness is next to Godliness. This is very correct as no sane man will even dream of coming close to you when you cannot keep yourself clean. Some folks believed that a person who is clean on the outside will equally be clean inside, this is because you only brings out what you have inside.
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