Friday, September 24, 2010

Don't Give Up Hope! Get Over The Break Up And See The Signs Your Ex Still Wants You Back!

There is a very good chance that you are so depressed right now, that you are convinced that nothing and no one can help your situation at all. You and your ex had a huge argument and your once happy relationship came to an abrupt end. However, if you just take the time to get over the break up, you will become a lot more positive when you start seeing the signs your ex still wants you back.

Your heartache is not allowing you to see anything positive in your life at this stage, so give yourself some time to get over the trauma of the break up, and things will start looking a whole lot better to you. Put your ex and the break up out of your mind for now, and spend as much time as you can with people who will make you feel happier, like your family and friends.

Sooner or later you will start noticing things that you didn't see before. For instance, you will suddenly realize that your ex seems to be wherever you are, even though you have not told him/her where you will be. This means that your ex has made a point of knowing where you will be all the time so that he/she can at least see you from a distance. This is one of the signs your ex still wants you back.

You friends will also start telling you things that your ex is saying about you, like what a fantastic person you are, and how your ex regrets breaking up with you. These are all positive things and are also signs your ex still wants you back.

You will notice plenty of other signs now that you are over the break up, but the most obvious one of the signs your ex still wants you back is when you get a text message saying that your ex really needs to talk to you. The eagerness in the message will let you know that it is just a matter of time before you get back together again.


Yes, it's still possible. You can get them back regardless of whether they already eloped with someone else or not. Of course, you have to know how to do it effectively.

Note These, else you break-up could kill you.

While it is true that break-ups form a part of life, it is also a fact that in some cases they can end up ruining your life beyond imagination. Since break ups cause severe emotional stress, they often effect a person's health too and right from serious physical ailments to psychological issues, these break-ups form the foundation for it all.

Physical Ailments that find their root in Emotional Stress

• Digestive Disorders - Problems like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), stomach ulcers and several other digestive disorders are triggered off by stress. When a person is stressed, the blood supply to the stomach region is highly hampered and this leads to lack of proper oxygen causing these problems.

• Head and Back Aches - Migraines, common headaches, back aches are all signs of stress. A tense posture that usually accompanies stress, leads to some severe and yet unexplained backaches. The same holds true for migraines.

• Lowered Immune quotient - A break-up obviously causes stress and this stress results in the body giving out Cortisol, which in turn slows down the functions of the immune system and makes you susceptible to many infections. This is one of the main reasons why people who have problems like HIV, Diabetes and even Tuberculosis are told to keep themselves free of mental stress. Right from a common case of strep throat to a serious attack of influenza, everything could be coming on due to your break-up.

• Heart Problems- The relationship between heart issues and stress is clear to many of us. The two seem to be directly proportionate and the heart ache that your break up causes can actually end up giving you a heart ache literally. Heart attacks, high blood pressure and even high cholesterol are often the result of a broken relationship.

The clock does not stop here and apart from physical issues one could suffer from intense emotional damage too.

Emotional Ailments that find their root in Emotional Stress

• Depression- This clinical problem is known to affect those who suffer from high levels of stress. The emotional trauma that is caused by a break-up is said to often result in a constant depression mode.

• Psychological issues- Right from Post Trauma Stress Disorder to Mood Disorder, Hypomania and even insomnia, everything is due to increased levels of stress. While this stress can be triggered by several catalysts, it is a fact that a break-up seems to cause tremendous amounts of it.

It will help to remember that stress can be caused by several other reasons like overload of work, etc. But while you can control these factors by slowing down your pace of life, a break-up tends to give rise to a situation that is out of control.

What is one to do when a loving relationship that formed the center of your life is put to a sudden end by the other person?

Is the finality of such a situation similar to death?

Not necessarily.

You can get your ex back and that too without groveling or loosing your self respect. 'The Guide to Getting Your Ex Back' will help you to take control of the situation and change your life in a proactive fashion. So get ready to sit in the driver's seat and drive your life to a happier and healthier destination.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

10 Ways To Get The Spark Back Into Your Relationship.

Neither you nor your partner have to be drop dead gorgeous or sexual dynamos to get the spark back. Often all you need is two willing people and a determination to find each other again. Step out of your comfort zone and take some steps to get the spark back.

1. Stop telling yourself you don't have that spark. Our thoughts are extremely powerful and once we tell ourselves it's gone, that becomes the only thought we notice.

2. Act more sexual and be more flirtatious Dress sexy (put on perfume/cologne, dress up, wear something you feel good in or that you know your partner likes) and act playful.

3. Do random acts of kindness without any expectation that they will return the favor or that you'll get something in return.

4. Be more affectionate deliberately. Hold hands, touch more, look your partner in the eyes when you kiss them, touch the small of their back when you walk by etc.

5. Change your lens and focus on those moments you do like your partner or like what they're doing. Take these moments in. Seldom do people constantly dislike their partners. Notice when you feel any level of attraction and take note of that. If you can't think of any now, think back to when you first fell in love.

6. Act as if: act as if you are in a great relationship with someone you adore. What would you be doing differently? Our actions greatly influence the actions of those around us; play with this idea and see what you notice. See what happens as you become more loving and cherishing.

7. Just do it. Our libidos are just like our brains-if we don't use it we lose it. Stop saying you're too tired, not in the mood etc., and just do it. Clear your mind of the clutter and the negative talk and just be present.

8. Say it straight. Tell your partner what you like and don't like instead of assuming they should know. Ask your partner what they like and don't just assume you're wonderful.

9. Talk to each other. Share your day, your fears, your upsets and your crazy thoughts or dreams. Intimacy means into me you see; give your partner a glimpse of who you are and what's going on in your world. Know that when your partner shares with you it is a window into their soul which is a gift; treat it as such.

10. Be the change agent rather than waiting for your partner to change. Too many people say they'll change when their partner changes and it's killing couples. Stop waiting for something to happen and make it happen.

Challenge: Choose 1-2 suggestions from the list above and incorporate them into your relationship for a minimum of two weeks. Pay attention to any changes you see from your partner.

Lisa Merlo-Booth is a relationship coach with over 15 years of experience in the field of therapy and coaching. She has worked with individuals, families and couples on a variety of life issues.

She earned her Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology from Pepperdine University in 1991 and has received her coaching training from Coach University. Lisa is the Director of Training for the Relational Life Institute owned by the renowned author, Terrence Real.

3 Things in Building Healthy Relationships.

There is an expression "Show me your friends and I will show you your future" meaning that relationships do affect your life and eventually it will shape your future. Right and healthy relationships bring good effects while bad and negative relationships destroying your life.

In the contrary, it is not wise for us to think that it all happens by themselves, everything happens just because they are meant to be, because it is not. Things happen most of the time because we chose them to be. We are the one who are responsible for the relationships health.

I have 3 things in building healthy relationships with our loved ones:

1. Be grateful. Thankful for the relationships we have with our friends, family, and of course our couple. They are the light in our life when we feel down, they are the one who accept us when we are in low condition. Being grateful enables us to see things better. We tend to be more focus on things that really matters and not sweating on the small stuffs.

2. Spending time together. I think this is all that we sometimes missed. We think that we can substitute the togetherness with gifts, flowers, money. It can help but not entirely. We have the most precious thing in our hand which is time, but we tend to use it for our business and work and we think we can just bring gifts to repay our existence. Quality time together with our loved ones is essential and vital.

3.Faithful. All the good things mentioned above are nothing without faithfulness. Faithful in your words and your deeds. It is the key for every relationships. In business, work environment, love relationships, family relationships even criminals need faithfulness of their fellow partners in order to make it work.

Does Your Relationship Need a Tune-Up?

Have you taken a good look at your relationship(s) lately? Where are you at... in a good place, feeling a bit stuck, or maybe things are not so great.

I had the opportunity to work with a good friend to assist her in debuting her first big seminar ever. It was two and a half days long and was entitled "The Awakened Lover". There were couples and singles. The focus was on enhancing or creating a primary relationship. For some it was a new relationship, for some it was 40 years young and for others it was time to get attracting that special someone. For all, it was about doing relationships from a place of higher consciousness.

We did many exercises and activities to get people in tune with their own desires in a relationship, as well as hear (sometimes for the first time) what their partner's needs were. The whole journey was about taking your relationship and thinking to a whole new level.

What happens sometimes in relationships? You might lose touch with what you want. Or you lose touch with your partner and get into a mundane routine, suddenly finding yourself reactive rather than proactive.

Take your control back! Take a look at your relationship again (primary or any relationship in your life). Where are you at? Where do you want to be? And, if these two are different, what is just one step that can get you closer to where you want to be? Too many times we don't stop long enough to even know what we want... and then we wonder why we aren't getting it.

If your relationship is in dyer need of a tune up or spring cleaning, dust it off and decide what you want. If you have a fabulous relationship already, do something to make it even better and to create even more of what you want. Find ways to have fun, bring in passion, create excitement and make it juicy. Your mind, body and spirit will thank you for it!

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." ~ Rumi

Have you checked in recently with your primary relationship? Where are you at as a couple? Are you happy, miserable, content, stressed, ecstatic, mundane, connected, stuck? Where are you? And, would your partner agree with your assessment?

If you are single, where are you at? Do you want a relationship? It is ok if you don't... as long as you truly don't. If you do want one, what are you doing to create it? The definition of insanity is, "doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result". If you don't want a primary relationship, how do you make your current relationships with friends and family even better?

Decide what you want more of in your relationships and then take a step (and another) in that direction. It only gets better when YOU make it better.

And now I invite you to learn more about Create Your Life by visiting

Gina Sebastian is the Create Your Life Expert. She does training and coaching to Create Your Life! instead of just letting life happen to you. Gina, through her company On-Purpose Training, specializes in helping business women in overwhelm create their dream life.

7 Habits of a Highly Happy Couple.

Have you ever seen those couples that you thought are attached at the hip? Those who can't seem to get their hands and eyes off each other? Couples that make you gag, roll your eyes at or look at them with envy? That, even if you know your relationship is doing okay; it makes you wonder what they have that you don't? They make you wonder what makes them a genuinely happy couple.

Well, wonder no more, I am going to share with you the 7 best things happy couples do. If you want to be in the happy couple's club, try doing the following: One, have a pressure free relationship. Impossible? Not at all. If you understand each other and let go of your own irrational and selfish issues, then having a stress-free union is easy to achieve.

Rachel, 25 years old shares her story. "With my previous relationship, I called everything off- my gym sessions, my dance club and my girl's night out just to be with him. It was okay for a couple of months but eventually, we were at each other's throats. The demands were just so intense that we called it quits.

So when I started dating this new guy, now my boyfriend, we agreed to have personal time for ourselves where he can play basketball while I do my shopping or attend yoga class. With that, our relationship became more exciting. We miss each other all the time and surprise each other more. It made me a more fun and loving girlfriend!"

Two, to be a happy couple, you should have your own tradition or custom. Sharing your own little rituals identify you as a duo. This creates a feeling of belongingness and uniqueness to other couples.

Three, never ever take each other for granted. When you are dating or in a relationship with someone for a long time it doesn't mean that you don't need to be romantic anymore. Why don't you try being intimate while doing the most mundane things.

Four, loosen- up and have fun together. A happy couple doesn't mind showing their goofy or mushiest side to each other. Recalling funny and corny moments actually helps couple when their relationship is in trouble.

Five, to be a happy couple, give passionate kisses. Never underestimate the power of mouth to mouth smooching. Kissing passionately keeps your relationship tight and fiery. Instead of giving a soft peck at the lips before going to work, why not try French kissing? You'll be amaze how lively you'll feel afterwards.

Six, when having a disagreement, fight not to win but to resolve. A happy couple argues about the solution, not on making each other feel bad.

Seven, a happy couple respect each other no matter what. That says it all. With respect come trust, honesty and loyalty. So there you are my endearing lovers, the 7 best things happy couples do.

Good luck!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Why Are Younger Women Attracted To Older Men?

It is a question that young men have asked since the dawn of time. It simply seems unfair. Women, by and large, seem much more attracted to older men in their thirties (or beyond) than those of their own age group. You can even start to see the seeds of this in high school, where it seemed like every decent girl was dating some guy in college, or at least a few years older than them. Why is that? Why are younger women attracted to older men?

The answer is not simple, and it is of course not the same for every girl. In fact, many girls, when confronted with the issue, would deny it being the case, even if they were currently dating someone older. They would say they were attracted to them because of who they were, regardless of age. This is, of course, not the entire truth, regardless of what they think or say. The truth is, men get better as they get older. Well, not all men, but by and large, this is true. Men under thirty are very often no good at all. They are immature, without a decent job, and they have no real clue as to how to treat a woman. This is stereotyping, of course, but the point of this article in generalities, not specifics.

Older men have discovered things about themselves and learned life lessons that younger men have not. They have been through that amorous period where it seemed like a conquest to sleep with as many women as possible and leave them behind. They have matured, and they know a little more about what they're looking for. They've been through the ringer a couple of times and they've been around the block. They aren't as likely to get jealous about silly things that boys of a younger age will tend to blow out of proportion.

Then there are, of course, the more practical considerations. Older men have usually achieved more in life than their younger counterparts. They simply have more to offer a woman in terms of money, stability, and even basic conversation. Their idea of a good time is not to party with friends 24/7 and play video games while their girlfriend is ignored on the couch. They are more serious, and more able to provide. In the end, this is a lot of what a woman is looking for in a man, especially when she's confronted by so much of the other type on a daily basis.

Of course, dating older men is not for every woman. Each woman has different needs, and different qualities she's looking for in a man. If you are a younger guy, though, and have become frustrated with this paradigm, just look on the bright side: soon you will be older, too, and be able to enjoy all the benefits the current crop of older men are enjoying today.

Approaching Women - 3 Quick Tips to Approach a Woman and Walk Away With Her Phone Number

What happens to you when you see a woman that catches your eye?

Are you the kind of guy that takes the initiative and walks right on over to her, or do you shy away from approaching her and stay stuck, just looking at her?

Most guys end up being the second kind of guy, especially when the woman that catches their eye is strikingly beautiful. To get over this hump, there are a number of tricks, tips, and techniques that you can use, but really some of them are not going to do the trick.

You have to be able to approach a woman and make an impression on her that lasts. And of course, it has to be a GOOD impression. A woman will definitely remember a guy that chokes up when he approaches her, but that is not going to be a good memory that you want her to have.

Here are 3 tips on approaching a woman and walking away with her phone number, a date, and maybe a little something extra:

1. Make a little small talk with her first.

This is especially true when you are out on the street or any place that she does not expect to have a guy walk up to her. If the first thing that comes out of your mouth is to ask her for her number, then she is going to immediately tell you NO. Well, there might be an occasion here and there where she just gives it to you, but that is really unlikely. Start off with the small talk and THEN work your way up the ladder.

2. Make a funny observation about something that is going on around you.

This can be easy when you are out on a busy street and you approach a woman. Whatever the situation is, you can usually find at least one thing that you can point out and make a humorous observation about it. The reason is simple. You want to get her to laugh and think of you as being a guy that can put a smile on her face. The minute you do this, you no longer are just a guy, you are the guy that she knows can make her smile and laugh.

3. Approach her with confidence.

If you don't want to get shot down so quickly by a woman, then she needs to see some bullet proof confidence pouring out of you. Call it like cat nip to a woman, but when she sees that you have no problems whatsoever taking the chance to walk up on her and start a conversation, she is naturally going to have a good impression of you. And when you make her laugh, and have the right opener, then you are going to be able to steer the conversation any way that you want, including getting her phone number, a date, or something more.

Discover more tips and techniques on * how to approach women with confidence * and BE the kind of guy that can walk away with her phone number, a date, or MORE...

The Art of the Conversation Starter...

Statistics say that for every 100 single women there are about 160 single men. So how do you distinguish yourself from the pack so that you're more likely to grab one of the single women? Focus on your introduction. And I don't mean your pick-up line. A pick up line is fine if you want to be a player. But if you're truly looking for a nice girl for companionship, you won't get it by asking her if her legs are tired...

The first thing you want to do is build a positive vibe. Think about this. When a comedian first appears on stage, he has to come out with something funny or with something that grabs the audience attention right away. If not it will be very difficult for him to get the audience attention back for the rest of his routine. And if he doesn't manage to grab their attention and hold it, then the only thing that will be memorable about him is how bad he was.

So borrowing again from the comedian example, you should approach a women with a an entertaining conversation within the first minute. Women love something unique and offbeat. But stay away from creepy topics liked crime, death, and murder. Talk about something we can all talk about, like some bit of crazy celebrity news. Even though everyone can talk about the great political news issue of the day, it's best to stay clear of politics.

Another interesting "icebreaker" is to ask a woman's opinion on a topic. As she answers, listen to her opinion and do not be afraid to offer your own, different opinion. Women love to be challenged, but in appropriate ways. Don't be afraid to challenge a woman on an opinion. You're not looking for an argument, but perhaps you have a different take on the subject. That's where that interesting conversation gets dialed up a notch. A part of a woman's psyche can't wait to be put to the test. And don't be surprised if she challenges you right back. That's what building rapport is all about. You will not get her by kissing her butt.

And if she doesn't like your opinion, do not apologize for it! To begin with, you're entitled to your own opinion and when you agree with a woman just to be agreeable, you come off wimpy. Sticking by your guns demonstrates a sense of confidence and that you are in control of yourself. This conveys strength and calmness which is very attractive to a woman.

Once you've started a conversation, if a woman finds herself attracted to you'll know by "the test." A woman will often test you in the beginning. She might tease you because she wants to see if you can handle it. A good way to deal with this is to tease her right back in a playful manner.

And the most important part of opening a conversation with a woman is to be confident. If you're nervous, fake your way through it until the nerves go away.

7 Things That Women Want (and How to Give It to Them!)

It's a question every guy asks himself, every guy struggles with at some point or another, every guy desperately wants to know the answer to:


The answer isn't easy to come by. There are as many answers as there are types of women: young, old; fat, skinny; talkative, quiet; beautiful...not so beautiful. They all want different things, different men for their different personalities. It's enough to drive a man crazy! We want to know so badly what it is women desire that Hollywood addressed the age-old question with the movie "What Women Want" (which, I'm embarrassed to say, I enjoyed).

So, surely...there must be something ALL women want?

That's the good news: There are certain qualities every woman can appreciate. And the best part is, these qualities aren't necessarily what we think they are. Maybe we think being 6'5", wealthy, and jacked like a football player is what every woman wants, but (thankfully) it's not. Only certain women want that, and the groupies who only want a millionaire athlete on steroids usually aren't even worth your time.

It's better to focus on the girls YOU really want: the girls who make you feel good, and make you a better man. Empower yourself with a sense of choice, so that you don't waste your time (and theirs) hitting on girls who don't fit with your personality and purpose. The great news is, if you can provide the basic qualities that all women REALLY desire, then getting the girl of your dreams will be easy!

So let's look at some things we can safely say women want in a man-regardless of his size, regardless of his looks, regardless of his wealth.

1. Higher value. That is, women want to know that their man is someone other women would want. They want a certain "gotta have" quality about their man. This is why, when we go out with a girlfriend, women give us looks and always seem more interested. It's annoying but true: the easiest way to get a girl, is to have one already!

Naturally, that doesn't mean that you should be hitting on girls when you have a girlfriend. No way! But when you are single, it's important to know how to show value. I've got a great lesson on this in my e-book that will show you everything you need to know: how to make her laugh, how to show a talent, and how to make sure she never leaves you.

There's so much to learn, but in short, you want to be a guy girls love to be around, and that other girls want to have! If you don't feel like you're there right now, do your best to be a fun-loving guy who people enjoy being around. Be quick with a smile, and quick with a joke. Even a guy who smiles a lot can be someone girls want. Who doesn't enjoy being around someone who's happy, who lifts the mood of the room?

2. A man who needs her...but not too much. This can greatly value from girl to girl, but basically women DO want to feel appreciated. They just don't want to be obsessed over. Guys, show interest in a woman, and make her feel beautiful and wanted...but don't slave over her and make her feel like you can't live without her. That's just pathetic, and drives women away.

I wrote a blog on how women want to feel needed. Check it out now if you want to find out how to show your woman the right amount of love.

3. A feeling of security. Women want to feel safe with a man. They want to know that everything's gonna be all right. This doesn't mean you have to be huge and strong, or have millions in the bank. It just means you have to talk reassuringly to her, look after her safety, and assure her when she needs it that things are going to be OK.

It also means coming to her protection, when she needs it. If someone is being a jerk to her, stand up for her. If she's being threatened, fight for her. Let her know that you will fight for her, and nothing will get in your way.

One of the best ways to make her feel confident that you will protect her, of course, is to be...

4. A guy who's in shape. Okay, I said that you don't have to be a professional rugby player to attract women, but that doesn't mean you should let your body slide! Part of a woman's evolutionary mechanism says that a man who is strong will protect her and the children, as well as produce strong children. Likewise, a man who is weak will produce weak children, and not be able to protect the family as well (if at all) It may occur subconsciously, but it's there.

So show her your value by being a guy who's well-built, healthy, and athletic. Join a gym, not just to get women but to improve your health and the way you see yourself. Join a martial arts class-who doesn't like a guy who can kick some ass? You'll feel better about yourself, making it easier to pick up girls, and her mating drive will only naturally attract her to you. It's a win-win situation!

5. Someone who's not boring. Doesn't matter how good looking you are...if you bore a woman to tears, she's not gonna stick around-or even give you a chance, for that matter. Be someone who smiles. Someone who's quick with a laugh. Someone who doesn't take life too seriously, who lets loose. That shows a lot more value than a guy who's stiff and serious-even if he is good looking or wealthy. Believe me, there are lots of guys who have money, who have good looks-but are single, because they're dull and not fun to be around.

6. Someone who's good with her friends. You've seen it at bars: girls always look to their friends for their approval. Get their friends' approval, and you get the girl's approval.

Oftentimes it's actually best to concentrate on getting to know the girl's group of friends before you spend time talking to her. If you can make her friends laugh and enjoy your company, getting the girl you want will be a piece of cake!

I really like this piece of advice from Joseph Matthews, aka Thundercat, author of The Art of the Approach, in his excellent free e-newsletter: "Meeting women when they are with their friends is WAY easier than waiting for when they are alone! This is because women with friends feel safe and relaxed, so their defenses aren't up."

Furthermore, he warns that you're not doing your chances any favors by waiting til she's alone: "If you wait until she's by herself to meet her, you're walking into a situation where she's going to be WAY more defensive than usual." So learn to be sociable, and just have fun with her friends! If you can make them enjoy your company, getting your "target's" approval will be a piece of cake.

This is also where it's good to go with girls in the same social network as already have the approval of mutual friends. The book, Sex in America, says that 60% of married couples meet through friends, work, or mutual activities. That's pretty impressive! So it pays to use and expand your network. For more information on using networking to your benefit, make sure to check out the links at the bottom of the page.

Finally, the trait all women REALLY want: 7. A man with a purpose. Believe me, women don't expect every guy they meet to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars, have more power than the mayor, and be more handsome than Brad Pitt. They don't expect you to be wildly successful. But they DO want you to be headed towards success. They DO want you to have direction. They DO want you to be living up to your potential.

And those aren't bad expectations to have! Remember, "Behind every great man is a great woman." You may not be at the top just yet, but as long as you're heading there, with goals in life, you're bound to attract women. They WANT to help you reach the summit. Just show some potential, and that is attractive in itself.

I highly suggest you read "The Way of the Superior Man," by David Deida. It details the importance of having a life purpose, both for you and for your girlfriend or wife. The book also explains the very important idea that if someone doesn't fit into your purpose, or detracts you from it, then she isn't worth your time. As I said above, don't just go for any old girl: go for the ones who fit YOU, and who make YOU a better person. That's what we men should really want!

I hope all of this advice helps you out as you seek to improve yourself and attract the women who matter to you. Remember that it isn't important to know what the bimbo who wants to spend all your money wants: it's important to know what women who want to be with you want. Empower yourself by being choosy, and you'll be sure to attract the woman who's right for you.

000Relationships' "How to Be Irresistible to Women," delves into the secrets of attraction and seduction. Since 2000, it has helped thousands of men around the world build confidence and get the women they deserve. To get your free six-part mini-course, go to:

What Attracts Women - Learning How To Approach Women.

You can read all the books, read all the forums and watch all the YouTube Videos to learn what attracts women, but unless you start approaching women you're nothing but a keyboard jockey.

Just like any skill set practice is needed to get good with meeting women. You need to not only increase your frequency of approaching women, but also the quality of conversations you have with them.

If you're a super beginner and terribly shy it might be ok to talk to strangers first by just asking for the time. But if that's all you do for the next few months, even if you have a good understanding of what attracts women, it might take you years before you get laid or meet the girl of your dreams. You need to be able to get deeper in conversation than just the opener.

Approach anxiety is a major hurdle for a majority of guys when it comes to picking up women whether it's at a club, a party, or in a coffee shop.

The best way to combat this is to already have an opener ready for the situation. It's best if it's not a canned opener, situational openers are best.

Situational openers work best because it sounds natural and not rehearsed. So you're not the sharpest tool in the shed and can't come up with openers as soon as you see a girl. Well you can categorize you're situational openers so you can pull them out of the toolbox when needed.

Think of 3 common openers for the 3 places you're most likely to practice picking up girls. Three common places might be the night club, the mall, and the bus stop.

Three examples for the mall might be "Would you have a good idea what a good gift would be for a 16 yr old girl?" "I'm thinking of getting my buddy a man bag, but I always thought they were kind of gay, what's your take on them?" "My friend just broke up with his girlfriend and needs a new makeover. What's the 1 piece of clothing you think he needs to improve?"

In a way these are all canned openers but they are also situational openers in nature. Once you have a list of openers for common situations you'll be in and you understand what attracts women it will be a lot easier to transition into different topics and get into deeper conversations.

Anthony didn't have a lot of trouble meeting women growing up, but he always got stuck in the dreaded Let's Just Be Friends Zone. After learning about seduction and the secrets of attraction he quickly figured out he didn't know what attracts women and went on a quest to figure this out. After years of research and applying the findings in real life he's decided to share his insights on this category so his fellow man can stop getting in the Let's Just Be Friends Zone to having relationships with some of the most beautiful women. Learn more about his findings at

3 Tips To Help Guys Overcome Insecurities In Relationships.

I'm going to be completely real here. A lot of guys are taking good relationships and turning them bad with their insecurities.

Am I talking to you?

Generally you know you are doing it. It is like an out of body experience where you can see yourself doing wrong and you just cannot stop yourself.

You know she does not react well to this behavior but it is hard to break this pattern.

I bet she has even warned you a number of times that she is getting sick and tired of it. At some point it will be your final warning.

Do you want it to come to that?

Of course not! You are reading this because you want help.

Here are 3 tips to help you overcome insecurities in relationships.

ONE: She is with you, right? RELAX!!!

It is amazing to me that so many guys date her, get her to fall in love and then seem to not believe that she really is in love with them. It reminds me of the 1954 Frank Sinatra movie called "Young At Heart."

Doris Day's character falls for the guy played by Frank Sinatra but he cannot believe it. His self-esteem is so tramped on that he just does not believe that she could love him.

Is that you? If you selected a good girl with a kind heart, integrity and she is clinically sane, then what are you worried about?

If she is in love with you, just go with it. I know the little devil guy on your shoulder is telling you that she would rather be with 10,000,000 other guys besides you.


That is stinking thinking and you need to stop now. You are actually insulting her because essentially you are calling her an idiot for being in love with you since there are so many other good choices besides you.

TWO: Be like the duck

That is the catch-22 of falling in love. You give yourself over to the other person and then you are depending on the decisions of someone else for your happiness.

Welcome to relationships.

I know that you feel out of control, just as the duck must feel as he is paddling like mad to stay on top of the water.

Just as the duck has learned to look cool to the outside world, you need to do that with her.

You might want to tell her your deepest fears over losing her but what good will that do? You might want to question her every move for all the imaginary guys that you think she is with but what good will that do? You might want to ask her every waking minute how she feels about your relationship but what good will that do?

I think you can figure out that it will do NO GOOD.

If it does not raise her interest level in you, then shut your mouth. You might feel temporarily better by accusing her of a million imagined crimes and she might back down and let you have your insane insecure way with her, but ultimately you are just wrecking a good thing.

THREE: Stop being so inwardly focused

When you pull an insecure move (or moves) on her, you are not taking her feelings into consideration.

That is right, you are making it all about YOU and what your needs are when you do this.

How attractive is that in the long run? She is in the relationship with you because she wants something out of it too.

When you cry and moan like a little boy and question her every move or motive then you are making the relationship all about you instead of the two of you.

Learn to get outside of yourself and consider what SHE wants.

I hope the above tips will help you overcome your insecurities in relationships.

Remember guys, if you want to lose a good girl then keep showing her your insecurities over and over again.

Easy Ways To Tell If A Girl Is Interested In You

Understanding women can seem impossible at times. The saying that "women are from Venus and men are from Mars" seems very true at times and when it comes to attraction it can be a very puzzling game that few guys ever master. One of the biggest challenges that men face is the fear of rejection. We don't want to put ourselves out there only to be rejected and left feeling like crap. Wouldn't it be nice to really know if a girl is interested in you romantically before you put yourself out there?

Well, there definitely are ways of telling if a girl is interested. Its often easier for other people to see it than it is for ourselves to see it. Why? Well, when you become emotionally involved your judgment tends to be clouded. Other people can see the attraction but you remain in doubt and uncertain whether you should approach her.

the easiest way to tell if she's interested is with "the look". If a girl finds you interesting or attractive she can't help but stare at you. Women are a lot more subtle than men, but she will steal glances at you whenever she gets an opportunity. If you catch her looking at you more than 3 times then its game on. Make sure she's actually looking at you and try and establish eye contact - even if its just for a brief second.

If things have advanced to the point where you are already talking, then it gets much easier. The easiest way to tell is to look at her eye. When a women is attracted to you she gives away a lot of signals. Dilated pupils is a tell tale sign and some common signals is that she will touch her chest, flick her hair, take her hair out of her face, push her chest out, lean in towards you and generally she will try and present herself to you in a very subtle and instinctive way.

The best way to tell if she likes you is to go with your gut. Its important that you advance very slowly at first. Women like to play the game and this is all part of it. Play along. Have fun and don't get all serious on her. Try and make gentle gestures like touching her and see how she reacts. If its positive, then you are on. Its a green light and you can go and sweep her off her feet.

This article is published with the permission of the author, Deon Du Plessis. He is the founder of The Self Improvement Gym, and author (in)action, a groundbreaking new action guide on eliminating procrastination. For more of his in-depth insights into personal development and access to his free self improvement library visit

7 Reasons Why Some Men Get Extremely Nervous Around Women They Like!

Many women think that men are supposed to be the confident ones when it comes to relationships and asking girls out on dates. When they see a guy that gets very nervous around women they don't really understand why. These reasons will help you to understand a man and why he might get nervous around a girl that he likes.

He's fearful that he will not be able to impress the girl
For many men, when they are attracted to a woman they want to show off all their best traits and his good side. He may become nervous around her because he may feel like he is not good enough for her.

He has reservations about if she will really like him
There are a lot of things that a guy needs to find out about a girl when he is first getting to know her. He may be unsure of what things she likes to do or what she is interested in. A man may become nervous when he does not know too much about the girl the likes so it is best to start up a conversation with him and get to know each other better.

He is afraid to make mistakes
A guy may be nervous about approaching a girl that he likes because of friends that may have recently gotten a divorce or their relationships have not worked out. He could be nervous that he would make some kind of mistake that would cause this for him and the girl.

He thinks that he might act the wrong way in front of her
Most times a guy will be most nervous about how a girl might react when he finally gets up the guts to come up to her. He may be afraid that she will say something that will embarrass him in front of the people that are around. He could also be nervous that he won't know what to say once he does walk up to the girl.

He becomes too aware
When a guy starts thinking too much about what he will say to the girl he likes he may become nervous. When this happens he will start to think of too many things like what his next step will be once he does talk to her and this will only make him more nervous. If he plans it out too much and his words come out like they are scripted his move just won't work out.

He does not know the girl he likes
Very often a guy will set his eyes on a girl that he would like to get to know better, but he does not even know her at all. He may be nervous about approaching her because of the fear that she will not accept him or talk with him.

He does not know how to act in front of a girl
Sometimes a guy does not know how to act around the girl that he likes because he is not sure of his exact feelings for her. It is always possible however that he has never actually approached a girl that he likes before and has no idea of what he should do.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Untold ways to know you both love each other.

Before you make a judgement about your love life, its good that you ask yourself some questions. Why do you keep making the same mistakes over and over in love? Why does it seem that everybody else has a better love life than you? Because those who are happy in love have learnt, from an early age, what the clues that someone loves you are, so that they now know how to diagnose an interaction well before they invest their feelings in it.
It is imperative that, from the moment you meet the man or woman of your dreams, you know what to look for if you want to be sure that they are attracted to you and then, later on, that they actually have deep feelings for you. These clues come from:
1 - body language
2 - behaviour As per body language, immediate, genuine interest in you can be detected though subconscious signals nobody can stop displaying, no matter how hard they try. So, if the man of your dreams struts up his chest, points his feet and chest towards you, opens his mouth and keeps it open, displays grooming behaviour, looks at you from head to toes (all these when you two meet or are in proximity of each other), you can pretty much be sure that he's genuinely attracted to you. If the woman of your dreams plays with her hair, strokes parts of her body ( neck, arms), looks at your repeatedly and then looks away just as often (when you two are in the same room or area, visible to each other), you can rest assured she's got a crush for you!
As per behaviour, you know they love you when:
1 - they are genuinely interested in you, your life and your interests
2 - they listen to what you are saying attentively
3 - they find the time for you no matter how busy they are
4 - they find you interesting and funny no matter how silly the things you say are

I do hope these tips have helped your assessment? Thanks for taking time to read through.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ways you can strenghten your Long term relationship.

Couples who have been together a long time have a tendency to take their relationship for granted. Taking a relationship for granted may have a detrimental impact. If you want your relationship to last, do not forget to keep dating your partner. This is often scoffed at and deemed unnecessary. Dates are simple and effective. They should not be overlooked. Romance is needed to keep a relationship solid. A date is a way to help this.
Sparks still need to fly in a marriage. Dating can make this happen. They do not have to be fancy dates with tons of money spent. Simple and thoughtful is better.
Alone time is essential. Couples need to be separated for everyone else for a time on a regular basis. Love and romance can be kept alive just with the simple act of dating. Dating is imperative so your spouse does not assume that you do not want to spend time with them. Women often assume that their spouse is embarrassed to be seen with them.
Lack of dating can also induce boredom and conclusions that a spouse does not care for the other anymore. Decide you are committing to regular dating with your partner. It is acceptable to go on the same kind of date every time but try to mix it up. Expand your horizons. Do something that you have never done with your spouse before. This can create romance and bring a spark back to a relationship.

How to avoid staying single.

Observations and investigations have revealed that a lot of women who are suppose to be in their husbands house are still swimming in the ocean of singleness. No sane mother/father will ever wish that their daughters should be single at a very ripe age of forty. But truth be told, there are thousands of women who did not get married before they eventually died at a very ripe age. Not that they don't want to get married but they could not be married for obvious reasons. Sadly, most of them did not understand the reasons for their singleness. Some believe that the inability of most men to get married on time is responsible for this trend. But this is not and can never be true. Granted, the population census of some countries suggested that the population of men is slightly lower than that of the women, I don't believe that this can totally account for the huge number of single ladies recorded worldwide. There is also this common belief that men often look the direction of beautiful women when it comes to marriage. Though there is an element of truth in this claim, I want to say that every woman is beautiful. A woman beauty depend on her personal assessment. Let me ask this, if it is true that men always go for beautiful women, how come some ugly women are married and their beautiful counterparts are still single?. After a thorough study and investigations of some 'ripe singles', I can authoritatively state the followings as the main reasons why some women remain single even for life. (1) NO SMILE SYNDROME: Besides the physical appearance of a person, one of those things that attract a man to a woman is the look on her face. Some girls find it very hard to smile. To them' smiling is a million dollars worth task, that is why they find it hard to smile. If not what does it cost any body to put a smile on her face? It is free you know!. Not smiling is very bad as it gives a wrong impressions of your person. No matter how beautiful a girl will look, if she has no smile on her face she is most likely to repel men from her path. (2) UNFRIENDLINESS: People who are not friendly, hardly make friends and the only way to get hooked up is to make good friends. Because some girls are hostile, unwelcoming and repelling, they find it difficult to find a life partner. (3) SNUBBISHNESS: Most women are fond of snubbing men any time they are approached. For God sake why will you snub somebody who have interest in you?. Alright, it is true that you can not like everybody and there is no law that says you must relate with everybody. The truth is that there are millions of friendly ways of showing somebody that you really don't have the interest. Learn to attend to every man politely irrespective of how he looks. (4) SELLECTION: While it is not wrong to choose a man you want to marry, it is very wrong to turn down all the men that proposed to marry you for some over ambitious motives. No man is one 100 % perfect and that is why you will never get your Mr. Perfect. For this reason you have to wait for more centuries before your Mr. Perfect may arrived. Tragically, you will no longer be alive at that time. That is if there is anyone like Mr. Perfect in the whole universe. (5) MATERIAL EXPECTATIONS: All most ladies want is 'already made'. They want to enter where it is already happening. They want to get married to men with luxury cars and expensive mansions. Why I am equally not against any woman getting married to a wealthy man, I want to let you know that very few men are rich. Now, if all women want to marry wealthy men and it is very obvious that rich men are rare, majority of the women have to wait for a very long time. They may even end up not getting married in the process of waiting for Mr. rich. (6) LACK OF RESPECT: Most girls are very disrespectful; they talk when they are not to talk and say what they shouldn't say. They equally do the wrong thing almost all the time. This is an attitude that real men detest with passion. (7) DIRTINESS: Even the bible acknowledged that cleanliness is next to Godliness. This is very correct as no sane man will even dream of coming close to you when you cannot keep yourself clean. Some folks believed that a person who is clean on the outside will equally be clean inside, this is because you only brings out what you have inside.