If you want to attract a woman then you have to know what women find attractive in a man and see if you can't incorporate some of those qualities into your own life.
Most women will agree that there are certain things that they find attractive in men and here are the top 10 qualities that will have women looking your way and being thankful they found you.
1. Positive Attitude About Life
If the guys outlook on life is doom and gloom then he's not a very fun guy to be around. Women want a guy who is going to uplift them and not bring them down.
2. Sense of Humor
If you can make a girl laugh then you have it made. Laughter makes you feel good and when someone else can constantly make you laugh then they are someone who essentially makes you feel good.
3. Compassion Towards Others
Women tend to be compassionate by nature and when a man shows compassion for other people and everything around them they relate to the man on a level deeper than if the man had no compassion. Compassion and kindness towards others is a great quality to have and makes you look like a great human being to be involved with and to have as part of their lives.
4. Confidence in Yourself and Your Abilities
Men who are confident come across as a take charge kind of guy. They know what they are doing and they know that they are good at it. As much as it may be old fashioned, a woman wants a guy who can make decisions and take charge sometimes. If you don't have confidence then chances are you will not attract many women.
5. Aspirations and Goals For The Future
If you are someone who has goals and aspirations in life then you are a huge catch and extremely attractive. When you are moving towards something in life it shows that your life is going to be exciting and constantly changing. If you are sitting on your mothers couch content with your job and have no plans on ever going anywhere else in life then you appear very boring and stagnant.
6. Adventurous Side That Stands Out
Life is meant to get out there and live! If you have a sense of adventure and are excited about what life has to offer then chances are you will make women excited about you.
7. Strong Ties With Family and Friends
If you have a network of people that you care about then women will peg you as a guy who has strong family values. While not all women are looking to start a family, most women are looking for a guy who values family and closeness.
8. Honesty
Women can sense a liar from a mile a while. You may be trying to conceal the fact that you are lying but there will always be something in your voice or body language that will give it away. Women want an honest man - this includes being honest to her and being honest to yourself.
9. Ability to Communicate
If you are a one word guy then you need to work on your communication skills if you want women to find you really attractive. Women want to be able to talk about their day and feelings with their man without feeling like it's a one sided conversation. But more importantly women want to know what their men are really thinking and improper communication can relate a message that you are not trying to relate which can be hard to talk your way out of, especially if you are not a good communicator. So work on your communication skills!
10. Ability to Show Love
Even though I have this as number ten it may be number one in most women's books. Love is what makes the world go around and everyone including women like to be loved. If you have the ability to show a woman that you care about her through your actions, body language, and words then you are the kind of guy that most women need in their lives. Don't be afraid to exclaim your love!
A word of caution about these top ten qualities. While women may be looking for a guy with these qualities they are not looking for a guy with these qualities in excess. So if your goals take up your whole life and you have no room for family then it becomes an unattractive quality. And if you show love to the point of obsession then you can become a creepy guy who no woman will want to have around.
So make sure you have a balance in your life and you will be fine.
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