As a love relationship and life coach, I recently received this question, "How will I know when I meet him"?
I can offer simple online love live coaching on this one.
First, you'll have to get laser clear on what you want in your love relationship. I coach you online about how to make THE list that will satisfy all your desires. Then creating powerful unresisted desire is what you need to do next.
I show you how you can create desire with love life coaching, if you're in the low range of that emotional trait. I can also show you how to keep that desire fired up as you begin the attraction process of your dream relationship. Online coaching via teleseminars and group coaching are effective ways to get your love life in motion.
When you amplify your desires, you'll also be building your manifesting muscles and grow in belief. Building your expectation and belief and knowing that he's out there and at this very minute, he's seeking you, too. It'll take some practice because your question indicates a degree of uncertainly in your ability to attract a fulfilling love life. But once you've got these areas covered, you'll be certain when you see him and so will he. That kind of knowing is hard to describe, but it happens all the time. You'll know.
When you've practiced these tools, you'll be like a heat seeking missile. You'll be on target. Love coaching and life coaching can make it all go so much faster. It's magical, miraculous and exciting. And yet, it will feel like the most logical unfolding. Using these tools to bridge your beliefs from uncertainty to absolute knowing is both fascinating and phenomenal.
You'll learn much more about how to use these tools AND Seven more Secrets to Finding the Love of Your Dreams, when you get my FREE DVD called "7 Secrets to Finding the Love of Your Dreams"
Nanette Geiger is a relationship coach and author of many books and articles focusing on Relationships, the Law of Attraction and Self-Mastery. You can find more helpful articles on the Resource Page and books on the publications page of her website at http://www.NanetteGeiger.com
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