Are you feeling confused and worried because your boyfriend keeps playing emotional games with you? Guys can sometimes try to emotionally blackmail their women by playing games and having hidden agendas. All you have to do is know how to deal with this kind of behavior. Here are some tips that will help you.
Get to the root of the problem
Before you start getting anxious and confused, try to fathom why he is behaving in this manner. Ask yourself if you are the cause of it. Find out if you have been ignoring him or paying him less attention than usual. This could be why he is resorting to emotional games to get your attention.
Don't be blackmailed into doing anything you don't want to
If you feel that he is playing emotional games with you because he wants to actually bully you into doing things you don't want to do, then don't allow yourself to be bullied. Be firm and bold enough to refuse to be blackmailed in any way. Once he sees that you have taken a stand he will have to back down and stop.
Try to be patient with him
It is important to tackle this problem with patience and love. If you feel he is playing emotional games with you just so that he has your attention, then give it to him without getting upset or angry. Try to see beyond the mindless and immature behavior and respond in a mature and loving manner.
Let him know that you are on to him
One way to get him to stop is to let him know - directly or indirectly that you know just what he is up to! Once he knows that you can see right though his tactics, he will feel foolish and stop this kind of behavior.
Talk it out with him
The best way to get him to realize that it is foolish and immature to play emotional games with you is to have a heart to heart talk with him. Be sure to let him have his say. Hear him out patiently before you let him know that this type of behavior is distasteful and hurtful. Let him know that it will only widen the gap that is already there.
Ignore his antics
You could ignore his antics and pretend you don't know that he is playing these emotional games with you. This will not be easy as you will have to force yourself not to react to this type of behavior. If you succeed, then he will see the futility of carrying on and he will stop.
Play some games of your own
Trying to make him stop emotional games with you is going to take some effort on your part. You could play emotional games too. Stop being the loving, accommodating partner and blow hot and cold the way he does. He will soon realize that he is getting a dose of his own medicine and stop.
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