A re you having doubts about your marriage? Do you ever have the feeling that something is wrong about your married life but you just can't tell exactly what it is? Do you ever feel that something is missing in your life? Do you find it hard to make marriage work? If you are having these feelings, then don't be alarmed. Thousands of married couples find themselves in this situation at one point in time in their married life.
The bigger question is? How to deal with these doubts and uncertainties? Many married couples do not know how to handle the situation and don't make an effort to resolve the issue. Instead they resort to other means of diverting these negative feeling, ways that are worn and destructive like infidelity resulting to separation and divorce. However there are ways on how to make marriage work, and here are some of them;
1. Remember the good old romantic days - One way to make marriage work is to remember the first time you met your spouse. How your heart fluttered upon hearing his voice? Or how you are aware of his presence without exactly seeing him physically, but you know, he is there? Now his hair may be wearing a little thinner, or he is growing in the tummy area, but you know how the mere touch of his hand can make you feel so alive. Remembering the way you were is one way of rekindling the fire and romance in your married life.
2. Laugh and talk together more - you and your spouse used to talk about anything and everything under the sun, from the mundane things to more serious topics. You are so in tuned together that you would laugh at some cheesy jokes at the same time, and just one glance from your spouse will find yourselves laughing together again. Making time for each other will make you appreciate your spouse and remember the good reasons why you married him. This is one good way to make marriage work.
3. Decide to stay committed - every marriage will go through a rough patch once or several times in your married life. Marriage is not just affixing your signature on a piece of paper, but it is giving your 100% commitment to stay together through thick and thin. Meaning, petty quarrels about money issues and ways of taking care of the children should be discussed extensively and thoroughly with cool heads. Never make any decisions when you are very angry, or saying things that can't be taken back by a mere "I'm sorry" when things have cooled down. This will not help to make marriage work. There are some things that you can say to your spouse that would cross the line and saying them out loud would lead to a point of no return, leading to separation and divorce. So keep a cool head when discussing sensitive issues, it's best to discuss them face to face and not by mere text messages or phone messages. Marriage is a lifetime commitment that shouldn't be taken lightly, and staying together is a teamwork that you and your spouse must continuously work on for the rest of your life. Make marriage work is challenging but it is all worth it.
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