This article outlines 5 steps that you can use to build trust in a relationship. Each step is listed and discussed below so that you can start benefiting straight away. Trust is the foundation for intimate, secure and successful relationships. It is imperative to understand that trust cannot be given but it must be earned and maintained with consistent actions not just words. Without it relationship is like a house without a foundation. But building trust and feeling like your partner is trustworthy are not always easy for those who have had their trust betrayed.
Let's list and describe the how-to steps involved when you on how to build trust in a relationship.
Step #1: Avoid keeping secrets
This initial step is to avoid keeping secrets. One of the single most important culprits that you need to avoid in your relationship is keeping things from your spouse especially when these things have the potential of being discovered in the final analysis. Building trust in a relationship will determine that you avoid keeping secrets from your partner.
Step #2: Share your heart
The 2nd step in the process is to share your heart. Most people will say I have to share my feelings, the problem with that is that your feelings are inconsistent and of the times compounds the problem. In building trust in a relationship you must learn to share your heart at all times because when you share your heart you will always be true to who you really are.
Step #3: Seek to understand before you are understood
The third step is to seek understanding before you are understood. In any event always seek to understand your partner before you are understood. This shows that you are not only putting your partner before yourself but you are prepared to listen with the intent to understand what it is they are saying without necessarily retorting back to them in defense of your position. This will inevitably help enhance trust in a relationship.
Step #4: Dialogue
Now it is time to dialogue. Lack of dialogue is known to be one of the killers of trust in any relationship. The aspect of any relationship that suffers the most when there are troubles is the channel of communication. When this happens and persists for a long time trust will start declining in the process. There has to be consistent dialogue in any event to keep the flame of trust in a relationship burning.
Step #5: Take responsibility
Finally you learn to take responsibility for your own actions and decisions without blaming your partner. Taking responsibility shows your partner you are mature and makes it easier for him or her to trust you again this will go a long way to strengthen your relationship to say the least.
As you can see when you follow the above steps you will be in an excellent position to gain extra benefits when you decide to build trust in a relationship
This how-to article has provided an overview of the 5 recommended steps "on how to build trust in a relationship.
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