Are you worried about your marriage, saying to yourself my wife is not attracted to me, what do I do?
If so then it's important that you don't make the mistake that most men make in this situation.
This article will tell you the number one reason your wife is not attracted to you, and at the same time exactly what you need to do to recreate that attraction at warp speed.
Why You're Saying My Wife is Not Attracted to Me...
First off I want you to know that I know exactly what you're feeling. It wasn't long ago at all that I was having the same exact thought. My wife WAS losing attraction for me, and very quickly.
Why? Well I'm pretty sure it's for the exact same reason that you're saying my wife is not attracted to me. It almost always comes down to this whether it's at a time when you're out on the scene picking up women, or when you've got a girlfriend, or are engaged, or married. Attraction is attraction, and it actually works the same way throughout, with minor changes.
The One Way to Make Your Wife Attracted to You Again
You need to realize something right now.
You are doing things that are making your wife lose attraction for you. In fact you've probably been doing them since you got married, maybe even before.
In fact your wife actually doesn't even realize why she is no longer attracted to you, and worse thinks and will tell you, and her friends that the reason the wrong thing things that she actually wants you to do and be.
It's tough to be a man!
Now I want you to really think about that last sentence...especially the last word in the sentence. MAN!! If you're saying my wife is not attracted to me, then it's likely because she doesn't see you as the MAN that she once saw you as. In order to have been attracted to you in the first place, then she had to have noticed some Alpha male qualities in you!
By primitive instinct she saw you as the man that would be the king of the cave, and that would lead the family and protect them. This is all hardwired into her genetics...into her biology. You can't change it. The only thing that you CAN do is to play into it.
The only way to make your wife attracted to you again is to be an alpha male. But you have to do this correctly. Don't misconstrue this as you have to be a controlling jerk. You have to play to her cavewoman instincts, but that doesn't mean that you have to drag her around by her hair and beat her with a club.
It means that you have to have the alpha qualities that subconsciously creates attraction. There are ways to do this when you're out in the field dating, and then there are ways to do it when you're in a relationship.
But usually it requires to undoing the damage that's been done to your perceived alpha state. That damage is basically called betacization. Your wife, unwittingly has done this to you, and has broken you down to try to make you what she "thought" that she wanted in her conscious mind. This however simply turned you into exactly what she doesn't want.
It's like mind working against natural instinct, and it's as real as gravity. It's the reason that you're saying "my wife is not attracted to me".
You need to learn how to undo what you've been doing wrong before you ever have a chance to stop saying and thinking my wife is not attracted to me.
The problem is that if she's not attracted to you, then who is she attracted to?