Monday, July 5, 2010

Infidelity in a relationship.

Affairs aren't spontaneous, they require planning and Affairs aren't spontaneous; they require careful planning and decision-making . Often, the choices people make that pave the way for an affair- dinner with a co-worker, meeting an old boyfriend or girlfriend for a drink after work just to catch up, having lunch with an attractive, single neighbor on a regular basis or sending a lengthy Christmas update to a long lost heart throb- can seem relatively innocent. But one dinner date or late night conversation often leads to another and another and another. The talk becomes more personal.

Confessions of marital dissatisfaction bubble to the surface prompting empathy and support. People tell themselves, "I just needed someone to talk to. I wanted input from someone of the opposite sex." But you don't need a degree in psychology to know that the implicit message in these conversations is, "I'm unhappily married. Want to fool around?" You can tell yourself that you're not doing anything wrong, but the truth is, it's a sheer, slippery slope.

Then there is alcohol, the inhibition-buster that "made me do it. " And while it's true that many a bad decision has been made while under the influence, unless like teenagers in Cancun on spring break, people's mouths are forced open and alcohol poured down their throats, having a drink is a decision. Having two drinks is two decisions. You can do the math on the rest of the story. What about bad marriages? Don't they justify being unfaithful? After all, life is short. We only have one go around, right?

What's always amazed me is how differently people react to similar circumstances. I've met people whose spouses refused to have sex for years and although that made them miserable, they simply could not cheat. I've met other people who, when their relationships hit predictable bumps in the road, rather than work things out, they sought comfort in the arms of strangers. Unhappy marriages don't cause infidelity . Being unfaithful causes infidelity.

Nevertheless, life is short and feeling lonely in marriage is no way to live. But dulling one's pain through the instant gratification of hot sex or emotional closeness with someone who doesn't argue with you about bills, children or the in-laws isn't an effective or lasting way to fix what's wrong. In fact, infidelity complicates life enormously for everyone involved, a fact that should not be minimized when planning the next "just friends" Starbucks break. People who say their affairs just happened aren't necessarily intentionally trying to cover their asses or justify their behavior; they often truly believe what they're saying. They simply lack insight or awareness of the ways in which their actions, however subtle, have created their current predicaments. But in the same way that affairs don't just happen, neither does healing from betrayal .

Unless those who have strayed look inward and take personal responsible for the paths their lives have taken, they will not be able to get back on track when they've gotten derailed. In my view, being unconscious just doesn't cut it.

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