Have you nearly had it with your marriage because you're saying my wife complains about everything?
If your wife is complaining about everything then I know how frustrating that can be.
It sounds like there's a bit of a problem with control in the marriage. It's time you get the upper hand a bit, and get control of your marriage.
The Truth to Why You're Saying My Wife Complains About Everything...
There's something that's true about every marriage in the world. Some people like to deny it, but the truth is that someone always has more control in a marriage that another. It's very rarely ever a 50/50 thing. It's usually more like the old 80/20 principal.
Now here the thing that most men get wrong... They think that to have control in a relationship means that they have to dominate the wife in an abusive way, and nothing could be further from the truth.
In all actuality, if you're saying my wife complains about everything, then you're saying that your wife is in control, and has learned that when she complains you apparently jump to her beck and call.
She's got you conditioned, it's worked over and over, and now she's realized (whether she realizes it or not) that this works, and that it's the thing to do. She will therefore use this over and over to get what she wants. She is controlling you with her complaining.
But there's a much better and more fun way to be in control of the relationship, and actually when it happens your wife will be not only happier than ever, but way more attracted to you than ever before. It's one of the greatest things in the world, and it works like crazy.
The reason it works is that it relies on the principals of the subconscious mind, as well and more importantly on the primitive brain. Believe it or not there is sound scientific reason why your wife would rather YOU be in control on a subconscious level, and SHE may not even realize it. It's quite astounding once you start making the changes necessary, as long as you're doing it the right way.
The Most Important Thing to Start Doing TODAY If You're Saying My Wife Complains About Everything
So the number #1 thing that you must start (or should I actually say STOP) doing is...
Do NOT React to Your Wife's Complaining!
I mentioned above, that she's conditioned to you reacting.
So for example, let's look at a simple specific example of a reason why you might say my wife complains about everything. Taking out the garbage is universal. We all hear it about the garbage.
Therefore let's say it's 5pm and that your wife complains because the garbage is not taken out yet, when she "asked you to do it this morning". Normally you might argue a little bit and say, "I'm getting to it, it's not that big of a deal". And you'll fight her on it, and then usually end up taking it out anyway just to quiet her down about it.
Well first of all, don't even bother arguing about it. Don't react, don't get mad, and don't do it right away. If she's so adamant about it she'll do it herself. Now usually a wife will do it themselves, just to make you feel guilty. Don't react to that either. Don't say a word, just let it go. I'm not saying you can't take out the garbage, or that you shouldn't. But wait, until your darn well ready.
Everytime you react, you're failing a very important test, a test that puts her back in charge.
If you want to be able to eventually stop saying my wife complains about everything, then you've got to get through the testing phase first that your wife will put you through.